8 Aloe Vera Benefits for Health and Beauty

Aloe vera is also known as the lily of the desert, burn plant, and elephant gall. It is known from Egyptian folklore that the originality of the beauty is its Latin name Elvira alias Vaurekumari.

And this is the secret of Egypt’s Ptolemy dynasty, the diplomat and later the wife of Seia Cleopatra’s skin beauty. It is widely used for Health and Beauty around the world.

What is Aloe Vera

They look like thorny cacti. Although a lover looks like a cactus, not a cactus. It is a lily family plant such as onion and garlic. Its leaves are long, thick, fleshy, and spear-shaped.

There are about 250 types of Aloe vera in the world, but only two types of alloys are commercially cultivated.  In the factory, heat is applied, and enzymes have to be added to keep it for a long time.

Aloe Vera for Health and Beauty around the world

Uses of Aloe vera:

1. Antioxidant and antibacterial properties

It is known for its antibacterial, antiviral, and antiseptic properties and contains a powerful antioxidant which is known as polyphenols. This is part of the reason for its ability to heal wounds and treat skin problems.

2. Accelerates wound healing

Most people use it as a topical medicine, rubbing it on the skin rather than taking it. In fact, it has a long history of use in treating sores and burns, including sunburn.

3. Reduce dental plaque

One of the best ways to prevent tooth decay and gum disease conditions is to reduce the buildup of plaque, or bacterial biofilms, on the teeth.

After 4 days of use, the aloe vera mouthwash appeared to be as effective as chlorhexidine for removing plaque.

4. Helps treat mouth ulcers

Many personalities experience canker sores or canker sores at some point in their lives which usually form under the lip and inside the mouth. the sores can last for about a week.

Studies show that aloe vera treatment speed up the healing of mouth ulcers or canker sores.

5. Reduce constipation

They can also help treat constipation.

The latex of it provides benefits to this condition. Latex is found just under the skin of an aloe vera leaf which is a sticky yellow residue.

The main compound responsible for this effect is called aloin or barbaloin, which has well-established laxative effects.

6. Improve the skin and prevent the process of aging

There is some preliminary evidence that topical aloe vera gel might slow skin aging.

In a 2009 study of 30 women over the age of 45, taking its gel by mouth increased collagen production and improved skin elasticity over a period of 90 days.

Reviews of trusted sources also indicate that they can help the skin retain moisture and improve skin integrity, which may help with cases of dry skin.

7. Lowers blood sugar levels

They are is often used as a treatment for diabetes.

For example, a review of eight studies found that aloe vera may have benefits for people with prediabetes or type 2 diabetes due to its effect on blood sugar control.

8. The possibility of fighting breast cancer

A new study published in Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine looked at the healing properties of aloe emodin, a compound found in the leaves of the plant.

The authors suggest that aloe vera shows the potential in slowing the growth of breast cancer.

However, more studies are needed to reinforce this theory.

How to Collect Aloe Vera Gel From the Leaf

It is easy to find it in the store. If you want to grow your own plant, here’s how to collect the gel:

  1. Cut an outer leaf close to the stem and rinse it.
  2. Lay it out on a cutting board, rounded side up.
  3. Use the knife to peel the skin around the edges.
  4. Then use the knife to scrape the gel off the remaining skin.
  5. Crush it or mash it.
  6. You now have aloe vera gel.


The Risk of Using Aloe Vera

Talk to your doctor before using it.

Researchers caution against the chronic use of aloe vera. But if an aloe vera product is free of aloin — a plant extract that has been found to cause colorectal cancer in mice — topical treatment for sunburn may be fine.

Aloin is found between the outer leaf of the aloe vera plant and the sticky substance inside.

Side effects

  1. Topical aloe vera may irritate your skin.
  2. Taking it orally, which has a laxative effect, can cause cramping and diarrhea.
  3. This may cause an electrolyte imbalance in the blood of people who take it for more than a few days.
  4. It can also discolor the colon, making it difficult to get a good look at the colon during a colonoscopy.
  5. So avoid it for a month before having a colonoscopy.
  6. Aloe vera gel, for topical or oral use, should be free of aloin, which can irritate the digestive system.


  1. Do not use it topically on deep cuts or severe burns.
  2. People who are allergic to garlic, onions, and tulips are more likely to have an aloe allergy.
  3. High doses of it orally are dangerous.
  4. Do not take oral aloe vera if you have intestinal problems, heart disease, hemorrhoids, kidney problems, diabetes, or an electrolyte imbalance.


  1. If you take any medications regularly, talk to your doctor before you start using aloe vera supplements.
  2. It can interact with medications and supplements such as diabetes medications, heart medications, laxatives, and stimulants.
  3. Oral use of aloe vera gel may also prevent the absorption of medications taken at the same time.

Aloe vera in Ayurvedic Medicine

  •  In Ayurvedic medicine, Aloe vera effectively heals chronic skin problems, such as psoriasis, acne, and eczema. Its juice contains leaf pulp that is rich in natural nutrients and fiber. This well-known herbal remedy for the skin also has many benefits for internal healing, cleansing, and repair when ingested as a nutritional drink.
  •  It’s because it contains a wealth of nutrients, like vitamins A, C, E, and B12, as well as minerals like potassium, zinc, and magnesium. They also provide powerful antioxidants, help to balance metabolism, promote oral health boosts the immune system, and even support normal circulation and blood pressure.
  • It is an excellent natural moisturizer and skin conditioner. It can reduce flaky, itchy scalps and reduce dandruff. Aloe vera gel also helps reduce sebum, or oil, on the scalp. Excess sebum can mix with dirt and debris leading to blocked pores and impeding hair growth

The Final Thought

There are several ways to use the aloe vera plant and the different gels and extracts that can be made from it. Researchers continue to discover new ways to use this suppository.

Be sure to consult your doctor if you plan to use aloe vera medicinally, especially if you are taking medications.

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