15 Causes of Sudden Weight Gain in Women

Sudden weight gain in women is a common pattern. Being overweight or obese is a big problem all over the world. There is another truth that women suddenly gain weight.

There are reasons, eating more and having less effort, eating more sugar and fat, etc. But there are other reasons that suddenly increase weight. Lifestyle website Bold sky’s Health Department has said that some reasons for the sudden weight gain of women.

Causes of sudden weight gain in women

1. Hormonal imbalance

Weight loss occurs when the body gets reduced to estrogen hormone. In other words, mood swings during hormonal imbalance are fluctuating. It gets eaten much longer, and weight increases.

2. Stree or Mental pressure

Stress is a major reason for weight gain. It is also called the silent killer in the case of sudden weight gain in women. If there is stress, then the cortisol hormone is more exposed. It plays a role in weight gain.

3. Congestive heart failure

It’s when your heart doesn’t pump hard enough. Sudden weight gain — 2-3 pounds a day or more than 5 pounds a week — could mean it’s getting worse. You may also suffer from swelling in your feet and ankles, a faster pulse, heavy breathing, high blood pressure, random memory loss, and also confusion.

4. Edema

Feeling a little bloated? This condition occurs when your body retains too much water, usually in your arms and legs. One limb may look swollen and feel tight and difficult to move.

The edema itself is not usually a big problem. Diuretics, also called water pills, can help flush them if they don’t get better on their own. But you and your doctor must work to manage the underlying cause, such as heart, kidney, liver, and lung disease, which can be very serious.

5. Steroids

Your doctor may call them corticosteroids. You may consume them to treat asthma, some varieties of arthritis, and a few other conditions.

The higher the dose is and the longer you are taking those steroids, the more likely they are to make you hungry! This can lead to overeating and sudden weight gain in women.

Talk to your doctor about how best to deal with the side effects of steroid treatment.

6. An unhealthy diet is another cause of sudden weight gain

If you do not have any physical movement and eat unhealthy foods, it increases your weight. Many people think, not eating can lose weight. The idea is very wrong. Because, if you do not eat one meal, it will be eaten more in the next, calories will be more. This will increase the weight.

7. Medication

Medicines are sometimes responsible for increasing weight. Birth control pills or methods often increase weight. Besides, depression-resistance medication can also increase weight.

8. Laziness is another cause of sudden weight gain in women

Women who are lazy, are more likely to lose weight. Physical labor or physical exertion, exercise works to reduce weight.

Those who do not do these, increase their weight. However, in addition to exercise or physical labor, calorie acceptance should also be controlled.


9. Thyroid disorder

A thyroid disorder called hypothyroidism can slow down metabolism, which may lead to sudden weight gain in women. Thyroid problems can also cause the body to retain fluids due to the effects of hypothyroidism on the kidneys.

Other symptoms of hypothyroidism can include:

  • Constant fatigue
  • feeling cold
  • Dry skin and hair
  • Brittle nails
  • Harsh joints and painful muscles
  • Constipation

10. Hunger

Hunger is more harmful to the body. If hunger is over we eat more.  It is one other main cause of Sudden weight gain in women.

The body consumes more calories, fat increases, and weight increases. So do not get over hungry. Eat food in small portions after two or three hours.

11. Aging

If the age increases, the female body strength decreases. During this time, many people are reluctant to do physical work. At the same time, the metabolic power decreases slightly, which leads to weight gain.

12. Polycystic ovary syndrome can be a cause of sudden weight gain in women

People with PCOS may find they gain weight easily around the middle. PCOS causes ovaries to produce abnormally high levels of male sex hormones.

Other symptoms of PCOS include:

  • Irregular periods
  • growth of excess hair on the back, chest, or abdomen
  • Thinning hair or hair loss
  • acne
  • Dark spots on the skin around the armpits, breasts or neck
  • sudden weight gain

Although there is no treatment for PCOS, the doctor can recommend lifestyle changes, such as exercising more and eating a healthy diet, which may reduce symptoms. Hormonal medications can also help control symptoms.

13. Feeding children

Mothers are very conscious about their baby’s health and nutrition. They make so many dishes for their children, which is full of calories and fat. But we know babies don’t eat all those foods. Mothers often don’t like to through the foods out, but eat them themselves. Mothers while breastfeeding consumes too many calories for the baby’s nutrition and gets fat.

14. Insomnia leads to sudden weight gain in women


A study has shown that lack of sleep can lead to rapid weight gain for women. Changes in sleep cycles can affect women’s eating patterns and moods, leading to people eating too much.

The authors of the 2013 study found that people who sleep-deprived consumed more carbohydrates than needed to meet their energy needs, which led to weight gain.

Participants in the same study also consumed more calories overall, especially after dinner.

15. Ovarian cancer can cause sudden weight gain in women

Unexplained bloating and pelvic pain can be a sign of ovarian cancer.
Sudden or unexplained sudden weight gain and swelling may be a sign of ovarian cancer.

Other symptoms of ovarian cancer include:

  • Abdominal or pelvic pain
  • Difficulty falling asleep
  • Frequent or urgent need to urinate
  • The quick loss of appetite or feeling full
  • An unusual menstrual cycle
  • Indigestion

Ovarian cancer often reaches later stages without detection, so anyone with abnormal pelvic pain should speak to a doctor. Diagnosis of cancer at an early stage usually leads to a better diagnosis.

When you need to see the doctor

If people suffer from rapid and unintended weight gain without an apparent reason, they should consult with a doctor.

The doctor will ask about the individual’s medical history and any additional symptoms. They may do a physical examination and blood tests or refer a person to a specialist.

The Bottom Line

Sudden weight gain in women and weight fluctuations can occur for several reasons. Many people gradually increase their weight with age or lifestyle changes.

However, a rapid or sudden increase in weight can be a sign of an underlying health condition, such as a thyroid problem, kidney, or heart.

Anyone with rapid and unexplained weight gain should see his doctor determine the underlying cause and develop a treatment plan.

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