Hand Sanitizer- Uses and Disadvantages

Hand sanitizer gel, which contains 70% alcohol, is used in the absence of water, soap, and a towel since the Corona pandemic began to spread around the world. This generation became one of the most sought-after goods in stores. The main benefit is that it can be used anywhere and is easy to carry around all the time.

With the spread of the Coronavirus, the use of hand sanitizer is more important than ever. According to the American Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, one of the best ways to prevent the virus is to use a hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% of alcohol. But for how long does the hand sanitizer last on your skin?

Hand soap and a good hand sanitizer may seem interchangeable but are intended for different conditions.

While the sanitizer is smart at hand when you’re on the move, healthcare professionals agree that nothing outperforms thorough handwashing with regular water and soap.

What is Hand Sanitizer?

It is also named hand antiseptic, hand scrub, or hand rub and is an agent that is applied to the hands with the purpose of removing common pathogens (disease-causing organisms).

Hand sanitizers usually come in foam, gel, or liquid form.

They are recommended when soap and water are not available for hand washing or when frequent hand washing damages the skin’s natural barrier (for example, causing scaling or cracks in the skin).

Although the effectiveness of hand sanitizer varies, it is used as a simple method of infection control in a variety of settings, from daycare centers and schools to hospitals and healthcare clinics and from supermarkets to cruise ships.

The Effectiveness of Hand Sanitizer on Skin

The main ingredient in most hand sanitizers is isopropanol (rubbing alcohol) or ethanol (the main ingredient in alcoholic beverages).

Alcohol has a long history as an effective antiseptic against some viruses and bacteria, as long as the solution contains enough alcohol in it.

Hand sanitizer is a practical backup if you don’t have soap and water. But in general, antiseptics are not as effective as hand washing.

In addition, hand sanitizers can end and require careful technology and diligence to work properly


How to Use Hand sanitizer

Hand sanitizer is a practical backup if you do not have access to soap and running water.

But in general, antiseptics are not as effective as hand washing.

In addition, hand sanitizers can end and require careful technology and diligence to work properly.

People generally don’t use enough hand sanitizer or spread it around their hands as often as they should.

To use a hand sanitizer correctly, apply the specified amount as directed by the product label to the palm of one hand, and rub the cleanser thoroughly on both hands to dry.

The CDC recommends that this process, like washing hands, should take 20 seconds.

Hand sanitizer is effective in killing some, but not all, microbes. Here are some germs that can’t protect you:

  1. Cryptosporidium. Parasitic infection that causes breathing and digestive problems.
  2. Norovirus. A kind of viral infection that can cause vomiting and diarrhea.
  3. Clostridium difficile. A type of bacterial infection that can cause bowel disorder and inflammation

How Long Does a Hand Sanitizer Last on Your Skin?

It does not work in the long run, so washing hands with soap and water should be the first choice for everyone.

Although alcohol-based disinfectants are a suitable alternative to soap and water, once you touch another contaminated surface, your hands get dirty again, so, no handwashing or using an antiseptic to keep your hands clean for more than two minutes.

When you finish cleaning your hands in any way, no residue will remain, but you can re-contaminate your hands on foo, by touching another dirty surface.

So, before you decide to eat something or touch your face, you need to clean your hands again, even if you only clean them 10 minutes ago.

While using it, be sure to cover all surfaces of your hands and rub them together until they dry, but when your hands are clearly dirty, disinfectants or gel do not work and soap and water should be used.

To wash your hands properly, wash your hands with soap and rub them for at least 20 seconds.

Make sure that you put sterile between your fingers and the backs of your hands and under your fingernails by scraping your fingernails with the palm of the other hand.

It will prevent coronavirus and it is best to avoid touching your face as much as possible to protect yourself from infection.

What to Look For in a Good Hand Sanitizer?

Alcohol-based antiseptics must contain at least 60 percent of alcohol. But any concentration between 60 to 95 percent will do work.

A concentration of less than 60 percent of alcohol can reduce bacterial growth, but it will not completely eliminate it.

Therefore, beware of it that contains very little alcohol, or hand sanitizers that use alcohol substitutes, which are not effective or recommended by the CDC.

Is Hand Sanitizer Bad for You? The Disadvantage of Hand Sanitizer

Alcohol is one of the best components of the sterile gel which helps to kill germs, some viruses, and bacteria, but it does not eliminate or kill all viruses or germs.

Here are more details from a report published by WebMD, which puts it in second place after soap and water to protect against the emerging coronavirus and the rest of the germs and microbes.

1. For temporary sterilization

It can kill germs, but it does not clean hands of dirt.

Soap and water are the primary and safe ways to clean hands of dirt.

Soap and water not only clean and sanitize, but are actually more effective in killing germs and viruses.

Soap suds are more effective in getting rid of chemicals that can get stuck in the hands.

2. Don’t cut through the mucus

One study showed that hand sanitizer may not work as well if the mucus is stuck in the hands.

Experts say the thickness of mucus helps protect against germs, so washing hands with soap and water is the best way to sanitize them after sneezing, especially for those with colds and flu.

3. Alcohol ratios

The CDC recommends using hand sanitizers that contain at least 60% alcohol.

Therefore, experts advise that it is necessary to ensure the percentage of alcohol included in the components of the hand sanitizer to ensure that the largest possible amount of germs and viruses are eliminated when using it, in addition to relying only on tightly closed containers.

4.  Flammable

The quality of hand sanitizer gel is evaluated by the extent to which it contains appropriate proportions of alcohol and is therefore a flammable substance.

So be sure to keep bottles of hand sanitizer in a safe place away from flames or high heat.

5. Toxic ingredients of hand sanitizers

The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has revealed that methanol, which is found in more than 100 brands of hand sanitizer products, can be absorbed by the skin.

Symptoms that skin absorption of methanol can cause include nausea, vomiting, headache, blurred vision, blindness, coma, permanent nervous system damage, or even death.

Experts recommend avoiding the use of any hand sanitizer products that contain methanol in their ingredients.

6. Dangerous to children

Containers and bottles should be kept out of the reach of young children, even a small sip of them may cause alcohol poisoning in the child and lead them to illness.

7. Cracked and dry skin

The alcohol in it can cause the skin to dry out and crack, which in itself is a reason for germs to enter the body.

A small enough amount should be used to spot clean each time it is used to prevent this from happening.

8. Wrong use

Hands must be free of dirt so that hand sanitizer works the right way to eliminate germs.

Experts recommend pumping in a small amount of hand sanitizer and rubbing it well for 20 seconds, then repeating the ball a second time until the hands and fingers are dry.

The Final Thoughts- What are the Benefits of Using Hand Sanitizer?

The benefits outweigh the risks of using hand sanitizer, especially when water is not available to wash hands.

Hand sanitizer evaporates quickly once you use it.

It is essential for disinfection and sterilization during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.

Make sure you follow best practices for storing flammable and flammable liquids if you have large quantities on site.

Increased ventilation can help if people are sensitive to smell. Hand washing is still considered the best disinfection practice.

If you use it frequently, alcohol may cause slight skin irritation.

Using a lot of hand sanitizer dries your hands, and they can crack and bleed. If you have a skin condition such as eczema, it may worsen it.

Alcohol-based antiseptics can also cause alcohol poisoning if more than two pairs of the mouth are swallowed, so make sure to store any hand sanitizer out of the reach of children.

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