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When Can I Eat After Tooth Extraction?

When to eat after a tooth extraction is a common problem for many dental patients. After doing this many questions arise in his mind, perhaps the most important of which is when can I eat after tooth extraction?

Read also: Can I drink coffee after tooth extraction?

When can I eat after tooth extraction?

The patient should wait until the effect of the anesthetic wears off completely before eating, and often after the patient’s tooth is extracted, the doctor will tell you some information you need to know to speed up recovery and reduce any complications that may affect you. After this procedure.

Because it guides you to the way of eating and drinking after tooth extraction, and most of the time the patient depends on mashed food that does not need chewing force, and that is on the same day as tooth extraction, you need some time to recover and you can eat again.

When Can I Eat After Tooth Extraction

When can I eat pizza after tooth extraction?

After tooth extraction, you have to wait for two weeks (It takes 8 weeks if your wisdom tooth was pulled out), don’t eat hard, crunchy or highly chewy foods, such as European bread, pizza crust, steak, bacon, nuts, or popcorn. To help prevent a dry socket, do not use a pipette or straw for the first five days after surgery.

1. Day 1

It should be noted that the depth of the tooth extraction surgery performed by the doctor determines when you can return to a normal diet, and here the doctor will provide you with the information you need at this time to speed up the healing process.

Most of the advice your doctor can give you is to drink fluids after tooth extraction and to rely on soft, mashed foods to make it easier to chew, such as ice cream and candy.

Doctors usually mention that you need to stay away from the straw when drinking the juice, because this may cause the blood clot formed after tooth extraction, and its purpose to cover the site of the dislocated molar, to dissolve, which will cause more pain. patient and slow down the speed of recovery for the patient.

In the first few days of tooth extraction, it is also essential that the patient avoid drinking warm fluids, as this may also lead to the dissolution of the blood clot covering the wound, resulting in a large amount of blood flowing and bleeding in the area. This increases the patient’s pain.

Can I drink cold water after tooth extraction?
Aside from applying ice packs to your face and cheeks after surgery, you should also drink ice water. Ice not only reduces swelling, but the cold is also a great pain reliever, as it numbs the affected area in the mouth.

2. The second and third day

After the first day of the extraction process is safely over, it is important to continue eating soft, mashed foods and drinks, and you will be better able to handle a large amount of food while avoiding chewing the extraction site, so as not to dissolve the blood clot in the wound.

So be careful when eating soft and mashed foods that do not need to stay in the mouth for a long time.

Alcoholic beverages should also be avoided within 48 hours after tooth extraction because alcohol usually interferes with the patient’s treatment and delays the patient’s recovery.

Can I eat solid food 2 days after tooth extraction?

For at least 24 hours after your tooth extraction, you should only consume soft foods and liquids. You can follow a more natural diet when you feel comfortable doing so. Try to stick to easy-to-chew foods for a few days. At first, choose cold foods such as yogurt, candy, jellies, and ice cream.

3. The first few weeks

Between the first and second week of your extraction, your healthcare provider will always recommend eating on the other side of the extraction site to speed up the healing process, during which you can gradually resume your diet.

You need to stay away from hot foods and acidic foods to help your body recover faster, and you should avoid eating crunchy and sticky foods, as they will obviously affect the volume of blood formed in the molars, especially when chewing these foods near the tooth extraction area.

Can I eat spaghetti after tooth extraction?

After your wisdom tooth is removed, you may want to eat pasta in a bowl. The pasta is usually good but only when cooked until very tender – avoid anything. Additionally, try to avoid sauces containing tomatoes as they are acidic and may cause discomfort at the extraction site.

Eating after tooth extraction

After we know the answer to the question of when to eat after tooth extraction, it is very important to mention the types of food that can be relied upon after tooth extraction, because getting proper nutrition is very helpful in accelerating healing and reducing the possibility of recovery. Complications and swelling of patients after surgery.

These foods should be rich in vitamins, minerals, proteins, and energy to allow the wound to heal naturally.

The foods preferred after tooth extraction are mainly the following:

  • Soup
  • Yogurt
  • Mashed potato
  • Scrambled eggs
  • Apple juice
  • Mashed banana
  • Banana ice cream
  • Avocado
  • Smoothie
  • Fried Eggs
  • Salmon
  • Cheese

Can I drink milk after tooth extraction?
Avoid dairy products (shakes and yogurt) for the first day if you have a sedative. Milk products can cause nausea after anaesthesia. Keep yourself hydrated by drinking plenty of fluids, but don’t drink through a straw for the next 5-7 days.


What does rinsing with salt water do for tooth extraction?
Salt has natural healing properties and can help heal your mouth from where a tooth or tooth was extracted. Blood flow is increased by rinsing with salt water which helps the mouth to heal at a faster rate. If there are any bacteria in your mouth, the salt will make it more difficult for the germs to multiply.

Foods that can not be eaten after tooth extraction

It can delay the patient’s healing process and may cause blood clots to dissolve at the site of the wound, including the following:

  • Hot and acidic foods.
  • Crispy and sticky food.
  • Foods that require a lot of chewing.
  • Whole grains.
  • Alcohol.

It should be noted that after eating, patients should pay attention to rinsing the mouth and keeping the oral cavity clean to avoid the accumulation of bacteria in the oral cavity.

If you notice any signs of infection, such as fever, shortness of breath, pus from the dislocated molar area, swelling, or increasing pain, be sure to contact your doctor immediately.

Can I eat bread after tooth extraction?

It is usually difficult to chew bread after wisdom teeth removal, and it is generally advised to avoid any foods that might get stuck at the site of surgery. Crackers and bread are notoriously stuck to the teeth and stuck in the mouth and can only cause problems after oral surgery

Important tips after tooth extraction

There are several important techniques that are considered the first option that should be applied after a molar extraction bell because they play an important role in accelerating healing, God willing:

1. Mouthwash

On the same day that you do this procedure, it is best not to rinse your mouth. Rinse your mouth with liquids, or spit, as these things can cause blood clots in the wound of the tooth to be removed, which can cause severe pain and slow down the healing process.

2. Put a piece of gauze on

The doctor recommends placing a piece of gauze on the site of the dislocation, making sure to apply pressure (through the opposite jaw) for at least 30 minutes after the dislocation, and avoiding speech.

Can I shower with hot water after tooth extraction?
Avoid anything hot – such as hot food, hot drinks, or a hot shower, as it can irritate the site of the dislocation and lead to more bleeding.

3. Smoking

On the day of tooth extraction, you should not smoke for at least 3 hours after tooth extraction, and it is better not to smoke for 24 hours after tooth extraction.

4. Food

It is worth noting that doctors often advise patients to avoid eating within two hours after tooth extraction. After which they can rely on soft foods, preferably foods that do not contain solid ingredients such as nuts. or chips.

What types of soft foods can I eat after tooth extraction?

The soup (Since the soup and broth are smooth and creamy, you can eat them without anything disturbing the surgery site), smoothie (Smoothies can replace whole meals), yogurt, Mashed potato, egg, cheese, oatmeal, salmon

5. Calisthenics exercises

On the day of tooth extraction, it is important to avoid any strenuous physical activities such as jogging, cycling, swimming, etc. It is also best to stay out of the sun for a long time.

6. Black tea

If the patient is bleeding, he should rinse his mouth with water and put a piece of gauze on the wound, and then immerse it in black tea extract.

Soak the extraction site for at least 30 minutes, because tea contains substances that constrict blood vessels and stop bleeding.

If you feel severe pain, you can take some painkillers, such as paracetamol or ibuprofen, but do not overdose.


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