How To Get Rid Of Smelly Feet (The Scientific Way)
How to Get Rid of Smelly Feet!- The real fact is that Foot odor does not come from the feet, but from the bacteria that live on it.
If you, your children, or anyone else in your home has foul-smelling feet, the foul odor may cause the foul odor of the whole family. But, why do some feet smell so much worse than others?
It turns out that the smell of the foot does not really come from the feet. The smell comes from the bacteria that live on those feet and in the dirty socks and shoes that cover them.
These bacteria get rid of waste just as people do. It is the waste that smells rotten. When the feet sweat a lot, you can act as hosts for some odorless bacteria.
It may not be any consolation, but the odor of the foot is rarely a sign of a health problem. Still unpleasant and embarrassing.
Fortunately, there are ways to get rid of smelly feet and germs. In fact, anything that prevents your feet and shoes from becoming a breeding ground for bacteria will help.
What are smelly feet( bromodosis)?
Bromodosis is a very common medical condition also known as smelly feet. It is the result of the accumulation of sweat, leading to the growth of bacteria on the skin. These bacteria cause unpleasant odors.
Brevibacteria on the dead skin produces a big amount of wastes that remain inside the shoes and creates a foot odor. Therefore, the most effective foot odor treatments kill bacteria, remove the source of food, and neutralize their waste.
Sprays, creams, powders, and slippers may minimize foot odor, but these products are designed to keep your purchases regular.
Some benefits may be natural remedies such as vinegar baths, soaking the feet with Epsom salts and essential oils, but they are not comfortable. The worst solutions are tales of old wives such as “Put your shoes in the refrigerator.” Nonsense.
It’s important to understand why feet stink before trying to solve the problem.
Causes of feet odor
The main causes of foot odor are the accumulation of sweat and bacteria on it and fungal infections such as athlete’s foot.
The amount of sweating can be affected by:
- If the weather is hot
- Playing sports
- Standing all-day
- Overweight
- Hormonal changes that occur during puberty, menopause, and pregnancy
- Some medications, such as antidepressants
- A condition that causes excessive sweating is called hyperhidrosis
Why does my foot smell so bad?
Brevibacteria is causing smelly feet. This type of bacteria eats dead skin and creates a product of stinking sulfuric waste.
You can wash your feet well, but this will not prevent the bacteria in your shoes from recolonizing your feet.
Kill the bacteria in your shoes with an antibacterial spray (such as Lysol), but this will not prevent the waste product from stinking. You can clean your shoes well, but this will not prevent new bacteria from growing on your skin.
So how to get rid of smelly feet! The only way to “remove” foot odor is to attack all these causes at once.
How to Get Rid of Smelly Feet- Home remedies for smelly feet
There are some home remedies for smelly feet that can help reduce the odor of your foot. The key is to make sure they are followed regularly and accurately.
1. Keep your feet clean and tidy.
The 1969 Soviet Space Study suggests that the human foot can harbor a number of bacteria 7 to 12 times greater than those found on newly washed skin (anywhere else in the body).
Use mild soap and rub the brush to wash your feet at least once a day. The best time to do this is during a morning or evening shower. It is important that your feet dry completely after washing. Pay special attention to your toes, where any wetting can cause bacteria to grow easily.
2. Cut your fingernails
Cut your fingernails often so that they are short, and make sure they are cleaned regularly.
3. Remove your feet’ hard dead skin with a foot file.
The harsh skin becomes wet and soft when wet, creating a place where the bacteria live.
Dead skin is the food and shelter of the odor-causing bacteria that live on our feet. Unfortunately, the moisturizer can not return dead skin to life, and topical treatments are not very effective in removing it. Files and palms are two effective ways to remove dead skin, but these tools must be used carefully.
4. Wash your feet at least once a day.
The best time to do this is during a morning or evening shower. It is important that your feet dry completely after washing. Pay special attention to your toes, where any wetting can cause bacteria to grow easily.
The foot file (sometimes called pedicure or callus remover) is a sharp, cheese grinder-like tool that cuts dead skin. It is useful when a large amount of dead cells is formed, but not in the management of daily care. The pedicure rasp is a cheese grinder a tool used to remove thick tissue.
Pumice is a porous volcanic rock( foot odor Products) that can be used to exfoliate the skin by rubbing the abrasive stone on the dead skin. There is also artificial pumice specially designed for feet
5. Change your socks at least once a day.
If you are in a warm environment, exercise, or in any other situation where your feet may get flabby, you have to change your socks a lot.
6. Rotate shoes and keep them clean
Because the same footwear allows for the formation of larger bacterial colonies, according to the microbiology of Kenyon College. Therefore, it is best to wear shoes according to the rotating schedule.
7. You should have two pairs of shoes
How to get rid of smelly feet? You should have at least two pairs of shoes-so that you alternate wearing every day. This allows each pair to completely dry out sweat or moisture for a full day before wearing it again. You can remove the slippers in your shoes to help them dry again. Wet shoes allow the process of bacteria to grow on your feet more quickly.
8. Wipe the inner part
Bringing the shoe to an anti-bacterial spray can kill the bacteria from the inside, but it will not eliminate the ammonia-like odor of the bacteria waste product. One way to kill bacteria and remove their “waste” is to wipe the inner part of the shoe with alcohol.
9. Choose socks that absorb moisture and are made of natural fibers
Socks absorb moisture and are made of natural fibers of natural fibers instead of keeping them on your feet. These include thick and soft socks made of natural fibers or sports socks.
Human feet can excrete up to eight ounces of sweat per day, according to the California Pediatric Society. This moisture, along with the dark inside the shoes, is fertile ground for bacteria. But the interaction between feet, socks, and shoes is complicated.
Natural fibers such as cotton and wool are best absorbed in moisture from synthetic fibers such as polyester, while synthetic fibers are often designed to get rid of moisture (inside the shoe).
The 2014 study published in Applied and environmental microbiology reviewed by peers analyzed how nine types of sports textiles were characterized after exercise. In the heart, the study was a comparison between cotton and polyester: concluded that cotton produces less odor.
This is why a pair of cotton underwear may smell good after exercise, even if the sports pants made of polyester worn above resemble body odor. a stranger.
Contrary to popular belief, wool contains more bacteria than other textiles, but sweat-soaked wool is less harmful than other substances (for reasons that are not entirely known).
Result: Natural materials such as cotton and wool are best at reducing bacterial odors.
10. Try to wear open-toe sandals in warm weather
11. Avoid tight shoes or moisture retention.
12. Use a cotton ball to apply a small amount of reddish alcohol to your feet every night.
13. Apply antifungal foot spray
or treated foot powder to your feet once a day.
Insert deodorant treatment slippers into your shoes to get rid of foot odor.
If you need to reduce the smell of your foot quickly, it is safe to put an anti-perspiration or deodorant spray on your feet.
14. Try different types of antifungal soap
Until you find the best one for you.
Make your own soaking foot using Listerine or Vinegar to get rid of smelly feet.
Ideal foot soap is anti-bacterial and moisturizes, but some skin types react differently with soap and detergents. For example, let’s look at tea tree oil.
A study published in 2006 in Clinical Microbiology reviews concluded that “the data now supports the long-standing beliefs that [tea tree oil] has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties,” but the same study also warns that tea tree oil “can cause both irritability And allergies. “Talk to your dermatologist or allergist about what kind of soap is best for you.
The bottom line- How to get rid of smelly feet
Although it is a common condition, it can make you feel self-conscious. The good news is that Bromosis is a very simple remedy. How to Get Rid of Smelly Feet? I will say, with daily attention, you should be able to reduce foot odor or get rid of it within a week.
The key is to make foot care a regular part of your health routine. Home remedies are usually very effective, but in severe cases, our doctors can prescribe stronger treatments.
You can use a foot massager machine spa to keep your foot always clean and healthy
A foot massager spa machine can revive your feet by gently massaging and soothing your tired, overworked feet.
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